The New York Times: Sports Page – “Visions of the Pros Come Early” by Peter Alfano, May 19th, 1989
“Cultivating the illusion of NBA dreams is starting at an early age and is reinforced by pro leagues and revenue producing college athletics with a vested interest in maintain farm systems of young talent. That illusion is rampant in the homes and in the schools and also at most camps. One camp with a high level of college exposure Eastern Invitational tries to keep perspective and balance and actually downplays the pros in favor of having a good time playing and using that to get ahead is school. Camp director Paul Savramis a former teacher keeps young athletes dreams in perspective and believes that sports should remain as a mainstay of early education but introduced correctly.”
The Record Review – “With flash, Rising Stars draws attention” by Don Heppner, June 8th, 2001
“Rising Stars utilizes a basketball setting to get kids attention. Once we get that said director Paul Savramis, you can tackle life’s problems and the challenges kids face during the formative years. And get attention Rising Stars does! The kids were enthralled by basketball demonstrations by Casey Love age 9 that had kids and adults amazed. Jim Davis Rising Stars President is a retired homicide detective whose son Dan is part of Rising Stars. He has seen the seamier side of life and sees this program as one way to change that. Nautica President Harvey Sanders is also a believer. Rising Stars Mr. Sanders stated offers a perfect balance of sports, education and the introduction of values in life.”
The Sunday Star Ledger: Sports – “Eastern Camp Stresses Versatility” by Chris Ekstrand, Sept 11th, 1988
“Camp Director Paul Savramis stresses what makes Eastern different is its versatility. The camp has become more than just a showcase of summer talent it has evolved into a yearly program of teams, clinics and overseas travel. The camp showcased the best player in the country this summer in 7 ‘2 Luther Wright and featured a visit from NBA most valuable Player Magic Johnson. One of the best endorsements for Savramis is the sons of legends Dave DeBusschere and John Havlicek attending. Savramis emphasis is on teaching; still he concedes playing 1:1 with Magic can’t hurt.”
Times Ledger: Sports – “Rising Star Clinic to Host Areas Best” by Robert Pincus, May 15th, 1997
“The clinic began as any other, teaching skills and the introduction of drills. The difference for the forty plus kids attending came immediately after introductions were over. The kids were considered among the areas best and had seen most of what was taught before. What was different to them was how things were taught. Rising Stars founder Paul Savramis creates an environment where every kid becomes a part of the learning process and that process involves more than just basketball...”
The Times Sports “Larry Bird Lands at Trenton State” by Harvey Yavner July 26, 1985
“Having the world’s greatest basketball player appear at his camp after winning the NBA’S Most Valuable Player award was a coup for camp owner/director Paul Savramis and is the only camp the Boston Celtic star will visit. Bird was flown in by Private Jet and accompanied by Converse President Al Harden. The appearance came about as a result of the vision shared by Harden and Savramis of promoting basketball and Converse as a grassroots initiative.”
Newsday: Leisure Sports – “Summer Sports Camps” by Joe Krupinski, 1985
“The international trip to Italy was arranged by Eastern Invitational director Paul Savramis as a follow up to Italian players visiting his camp this past summer. ‘We have players from throughout the US’, Savramis said. ‘Having the opportunity of taking our players and coaches overseas to attend and to speak at their camps is dreams come true. I don’t know who is more excited-the kids or the adults.’”
Sunday Daily News – “Camp has goals set higher than 10 feet” by Bill Travers, Sept 2nd, 1984
“Not all camps are under the scrutinizing eye of the NCAA. Only those where players go to be “seen” and not to learn. One with a top reputation for both teaching and for a high level of competition is the Eastern Invitational camp run by Paul Savramis. Here the balance of teaching, showcase and most importantly, guaranteeing the kids have a great time is evident by the smiles on every kids face. Dean Smith and over 200 other top coaches came to see the top players in the world play but came away also seeing them learn and have fun.”